I have never held a human baby. Over the years I've come up with any number of excuses: I have a cold, I have poor hand eye coordination, I just coated my arms in teflon.... I'm just not good with babies. Human babies, that is. Equine babies are a whole different story.
Show me a foal and I will squeal and hop up and down like every terrible girl stereotype you've ever seen on t.v. It's horrible and wonderful at the same time. There's just something about the big stork legs, the fuzzy ears, the adorable itty bitty noses and whiskers.
Oh heavens. So cute!
Foals are part of why I love spring so much. Though I'd desperately like to have a foal someday (or right now), I've been lucky the past few years to have friends that I can vicariously live through. They've been incredibly generous and let me play with and squeal over their cutey patootey (see what foals do to me? it's borderline embarrassing ) babies when I see them.
There's just one thing: nobody I know has a baby coming this year so I'm foaless.
I'm jonesing over here. Anybody got a cute foal I can snuggle, or a picture of their 2012 foaling arrivals that I can coo over?