Thursday, January 5, 2012

One Year Anniversary

A year ago today I wrote my very first blog post.  I wanted a place where I could write about horses.  My instructors have tried to incorporate my interests whenever possible, but there's only so much the curriculum will allow.  So, I created this blog so I can practice writing about what I love.

I didn't set out thinking that every word was going to be perfect or that I was going to be wildly popular with a bunch of followers.  A year later and the words are still sometimes wonky and I still get the feeling that I'm talking to an empty room.  But actually, that's just fine.

There's time for perfection or a big following.  Right now I'm still just enjoying writing for me.  Honing my words and writing new stories.  I can't wait to see what the next year brings.

So if you are out there in cyber space reading this, thank you.  Thank you for giving this blog, and me, a chance.  I have a bunch of new content planned including a blog re-design and some new illustrations!

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